Service-oriented reference architecture for smart cities

The trend towards turning existing cities into smart cities is growing. Facilitated by advances in computing such as Cloud services and Internet of Things (IoT), smart cities propose to bring integrated, autonomous systems together to improve quality of life for their inhabitants. Systems such as autonomous vehicles, smart grids and intelligent traffic management are in the initial stages of development. However, as of yet there, is no holistic architecture on which to integrate these systems into a smart city. Additionally, the existing systems and infrastructure of cities is extensive and critical to their operation. We cannot simply replace these systems with smarter versions, instead the system intelligence must augment the existing systems. In this paper we propose a service oriented reference architecture for smart cities which can tackle these problems and identify some related open research questions. The abstract architecture encapsulates the way in which different aspects of the service oriented approach span through the layers of existing city infrastructure. Additionally, the extensible provision of services by individual systems allows for the organic growth of the smart city as required.

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